Vote absentee this week


Anderson County registered voters, who qualify, and intend to cast an absentee ballot in-person for the Presidential Preference Primary may do so beginning this week.

In-person Absentee Voting will be open to voters 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily until Friday, January 20. It will be conducted in room 105 at the Voter Registration and Elections office which is located in what is commonly referred to as the old Bailes Building, situated directly behind the Historic Courthouse in downtown Anderson.

When voting Absentee, voters must present one form of identification. The acceptable forms of identification are a S.C. Driver’s license, a photo i.d. issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles or a Voter Registration Card. Part of the Absentee process is completing an application. On that application a voter must declare the reason for voting absentee, and take the voter’s oath.

There are only 17 qualified reasons why a person can give to vote absentee. These are listed below.