History of Piedmont Fire Department


History of the Piedmont Fire Department (Complied by Assistant Chief Tracy Wallace – 2002)

1948 – J. P. Stevens Company formed the Piedmont Fire Department. Equipment included a 1948 Chevrolet Peter Pirsh fire truck and shop employees served as firefighters.

1971 – A 1971 Ford John Beam fire truck apparatus was purchased. It was kept in the mill parking lot.

1972 – Construction was started on a fire department in the old mill parking lot on Hwy. 86. The depratment has an ISO rating of Class 9.

1973 – The new station was dedicated, the first paid fire chief was hired and the department had an $8,000 budget and an ISO Class 5 rating.

1975 – A 1975 Ford John Beam fire truck was purchased.

1977 – Three firefighters and a fire chief was hired.

1981 – Construction was started on Station #2 on Golf Course Road. Three firefighters were hired to man the station and one fire prevention officer were hired. A service truck was added at headquarters and ISO rating was Class 3.

1983 – A 1983 Ford Boyer fire truck was purchased.

1985 – Three dispatchers were hired.

1992 – Three additional firefighters were hired.

1993 – New facilities were built at headquarters.

1996 – A new Ford 350 EVI service truck was purchased.

1998 – New computers for records, mapping and hazmat response were added.

2002 – Two Freightliner E-One fire trucks were purchased.

The department currently has 10 paid firefighters, three dispatch/firefighters, one assistant chief, one fire chief/administrator, one administrative assistant, 15 volunteer firefighters. The 2002 budget is $896,000 and the department has an ISO rating of Class 3.