District One scores among top on SAT


Students at Wren High and Palmetto High rank third overall in South Carolina on the nation’s most recognized college entrance examination, the SAT. With a total score of 1512, up from 1507 in 2011, District One scores topped state and national averages.  Anderson One’s 2012 overall score made up of Critical Reading, Math, and Writing sections, was 1512. 

This is 14 points above the national average of 1498 and 81 points above the state average of 1431.  Anderson One improved in all areas of the test from the previous year increasing Critical Reading scores by 4 points, Writing by 1 point, and Math by 2 points for a total 7 point gain from last year.

Robbie Binnicker, Director of Secondary Education, said, “We are very pleased that we continue to see improvements in SAT scores in all areas even while more and more of our students take the test.” 

Anderson One had its largest group of students, 342 students,  take the SAT which is 53 more than ever before. 

Superintendent of Anderson One, Dr. Wayne Fowler, commented, “We are proud that Anderson One continues to post scores well above the state and national average.  This is not possible without a total commitment from all school personnel, students, and parents. The results of the SAT demonstrate our students are being well-prepared.”