GWBA Easter Egg Hunt – March 23


The Greater Williamston Business Association will sponsor the annual GWBA Easter Egg Hunt for ages 10 and under on Saturday, March 23 in Williamston’s Mineral Spring Park. Rain date for the event will be the following Saturday, Mar. 30.

Ages and time schedules are as follows: under three – 9:30 a.m., ages four and five – 10 a.m., ages six and seven – 10:30 a.m., and ages eight to ten – 11 a.m.

Drawings for prizes and grand prizes will be held for each age group prior to their scramble for candy. At the conclusion of the last hunt, a drawing will be held for a grand prize.

Dr. Marion Williams, who heads the project for the GWBA, stated that the free event is held each year for area children and is sponsored by area businesses. The event includes other activities and parents are invited to take pictures with the Easter Bunny.