Marion Middleton Sr. inducted into Textile Hall of Fame


Marion Middleton Sr. of Williamston was recently inducted into the Greenville Textile Heritage Society Hall of Fame. Middleton, 85, was born in Pelzer and was an All Star Player for the Pelzer Bears Baseball Team. He also coached winning textile league teams in Piedmont and later at Palmetto High School.

He was nominated for the honor by members of the Pelzer Heritage Commisssion. PHC member Dianne Lollis said, “For the past 3 years the Pelzer Heritage Commission has been proud to induct some of our Hometown Sports Heroes into the Greenville Textile Heritage Society Sports Hall of Fame. This year, as in years past, it has been difficult to decide on who to honor with this award. As with the majority of us Pelzer Mill Hill kids, we all knew how to play ball, but some were outstanding players for Pelzer and also went on to do the same for local colleges and major league teams.”

Lollis said the Pelzer Historic Commisssion was honored to have chosen Marion Middleton Sr. for induction into the Textile Heritage Hall of Fame.


Pictured – Betty and Marion Middleton, Sr. at the Southern Textile Athletic Hall of Fame Award Ceremony in the Hughes Library, Greenville on October 4. (Photo by Dianne Lollis)

“Mr. Middleton was born in Pelzer and later was an All-Star Player for the Pelzer Bears Baseball Team,” Lollis said. “He also coached winning teams in Piedmont and at Palmetto High School. Being an only child and exempt from war, he volunteered to go to Korea during the war and was in the Battle of Bloody Ridge where hundreds of men lost their lives and was wounded. He came home to Pelzer as a decorated Veteran.”

During the presentation held Saturday, Middleton thanked all on the Pelzer Heritage Commission and the Textile Association for the award, Lollis said. Members of his family and members of the Pelzer Heritage Commission along with approximately 100+ spectators were present at the Award Ceremony in the Hughes Library, Greenville on October 4.


1964 – Harley Heath, Past President; Sarah Jordan Ellis, Former All-Southern

1966 – Earl Wooten, 12 time All-Southern. All time scoring leader

1982 – Bill Hopkins, Past President, Player, Coach

1983 – Barbara Jean Harris Bell (BJ ), 2 time All-Southern, Executive


1984 – Jimmy Hopkins, Player, Coach, Executive Committee, won C boys 7 of 8 years.

1988 – Bobby Roberts, Player and Coach

2012 – Eckie Jordan, All-Southern, Player.Coach, N.C. Hall of Fame; Gary Helms, All-Southern. Player.

2013 – Pelzer Little Darlings Midget Team, Basketball Championships, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955; Mutt Muth, Recreational Director for 8 yrs. Coach, Player in Baseball, Softball, Basketball.