Williamston candidates comment on the election


In the Williamston Town Council election last week, Ward 1 write-in incumbent Tony Hagood received 236 write-in votes to challenger Greg Cole’s 166 write-in votes to retain his seat on Town Council. Hagood said he would like to thank everyone who came out on election day and voted and everyone who was instrumental in his opportunity to serve Ward 1 and the Town of Williamston for another term. Hagood thanked those who helped with his campaign including people who provided signs and local businesses that allowed posters to support his campaign.

Hagood also thanked 8-year-old twins, Kyra and Kara Smith for a facebook video showing their support for him. Hagood had kind words for his write-in opponent, former town councilmember Greg Cole. “I am grateful for his (Cole’s) display of professionalism which I perceive to be a permanent fixture in his character makeup,” he said.

Hagood said it was a pleasure to campaign at the polls with fellow councilmember and incumbent Rockey Burgess and his opponent, Joan Ragsdale. “It was a pleasure to have shared the poll venue with two intelligent, energetic business oriented individuals.” He added, “It is my prayer we will continue to move our town forward, not necessarily expeditiously, but gracefuly and harmoniously.”

In Ward Two, incumbent Rockey Burgess defeated challenger Joan Ragsdale by 59 votes, 405 to 346.

“I would like to say thank you for your vote of confidence and I am both humbled and honored to represent our residents on council for a full term,” Burgess said. “I am pleased with the progress that has been made in this last year and I am tremendously optimistic about our future.” Burgess said hard work, sound judgement, communication with our residents, and attention to detail has made and will continue to make a positive difference in the town. “A big thank you to my family, my wife, and my children for being there beside me every step of the way.” He also thanked his opponenet Joan Ragsdale “for a well ran campaign and for her kindness after the election.”

Running for town council was Ragsdale’s first experience of campaigining in the local political arena.

“This year’s election was a very humbling experience for me,” Ragsdale said. “I want to thank you very much for your support and to share with each of you that I am very happy that 48% of you came to cast your vote for me! This is undoubtedly a victory for a newcomer to politics. I will always consider this a win for me, because I got a chance to get out and meet a lot of wonderful people I might not have otherwise met.”

Ragsdale said regardless of the outcome of the election, “I value the entire experience of the last year a blessing and feel that God’s hand directed it all. Many blessings to all who took their time and energy to support me. My prayers will continue for good things in Williamston. My congratulations to Rockey Burgess!”