Around the County . . .


The following are projects currently underway around Anderson County by the Anderson County Public Works Department:

Solid Waste

· Shred Day is scheduled for Saturday, April 18 at Anderson School District 1 located at 801 N. Hamilton St. and at the Civic Center of Anderson located at 3207 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Residents can bring their paper for free shredding from 10am until 1pm.

· Environmental Enforcement is investigating another illegal tire dump at the Dolly Cooper Park. Individuals dumped 35 used tires at the park. Solid Waste staff cleaned up the tires and took them to the Anderson Regional MRF to be recycled.

· Staff delivered 300 “Throw This Instead of Litter” beach balls to the Anderson County Museum for the Wren Middle School students that are visiting the Museum this week. The beach balls were sponsored by Waste Connections and the Anderson County Solid Waste Department.

Building and Codes

· PERMITS SUBMITTED: 8 New Single-Family Dwelling Issued and 8 Addition-Renovation; 3 Detached Garage/Storage Buildings; 9 Electrical and HVAC Upgrades; 1 Swimming Pool; 2 Demolition; 2 Renewal/Replacement; 9 Commercial Including: First Quality-Cannonball 3 Fire Protection Building 595, First Quality-Cannonball 3 Fire Protection Building 590, Bojangle’s in Piedmont, Dollar General in Iva, Piedmont Grill Roof Repair/Replacement, Williamston Plaza Up-Fit, New Gas Heater for Fellers Welding, Electrical for new Coolers for Big Lot’s, Sign for Shops at Center Point; 9 Mobile Home including: New Homes, Change of Ownership, moves from other counties, change of location, etc.

· DRAWINGS SUBMITTED: First Quality – Cannonball 3 Fire Protection for Building 595, Sign for Shops at Center Point located off Hwy 153, Champion Tooling & Machining Addition off Whitehall Rd., Garvey Dental Clinic located off Hwy 81 North, TEMCO Inc. located off Pearman Dairy Rd. and various resubmittals

Development Standards

· No report available


· No report available.

Roads & Bridges

· Finished the cross-over installation on Jones Chapel Road late Tuesday; asphalt patch was placed and the road was opened mid-day Wednesday.

· Crack-sealing contractor completed work on the Townsend Building parking lot, lower Museum parking lot and Cheddar Fire Department. Will work on the Annex parking lot this Saturday if weather cooperates.

· Vegetation trimming crew still cleaning up storm debris that’s called in daily; no hope that it will end anytime soon. Once we finish our first round of mowing we will have all the locations recorded for additional cleaning or we will grind up the limbs as we mow.

· Ditching crew cut the shoulders back on all the roads that are targeted to get existing paint lines repainted; shoulders are trimmed back so the white lines on each pavement edge can be repainted. Also cut the edges back on the Cheddar walking track and parking lot area for crack sealing contractor to finish up his work before sealing and striping scheduled for later this spring.

· Replaced a 36” cross-over pipe on Dacus Road in the Williamston area.

· Reviewed second review submittals for Powdersville Towne Center, Barr Circle Estates and Holliday Commercial Park. None approved.

· Assisted contractor performing preventative maintenance on Brown Road Bridge and boat-ramp lighting system.


· A cease and desist notice was issued to Ellison Plantation, a residential development in Powdersville. The violations noted were due to inadequacies in the following areas: maintenance of stormwater controls, stabilization, and documentation on-site.

· The geotechnical assessment report of the Broadway Lake dam was completed. The assessment found the dam to be stable with no major slope stability or seepage problems. Recommendations were made for repairs to several eroded areas, re-grading of some areas, filling of holes on the crest, and the removal of some trees around the outlet. Those repairs will be scheduled in the next budget year. The most critical recommendation was to inspect the condition of the outlet pipe that runs through the dam for separations. The Wastewater Department inspected the pipe with their closed circuit TV crawler. The pipe appeared to be in good condition.


· Installed emergency generator connections at the following 4 pump stations, Food Lion, McLees, Sullivan Hills, and Gilmer.

· Tested new generator connections at Bloom, Hwy. 24, Supreme, Food Lion, McLees, & The Lakes.

· Pulled #2 pump at Hurricane Creek because of longer run times than normal. Wear plate needs to be replaced for proper operations.

· Inspected lot 11 and 32 in Rivendell Subdivision.

· Removed tree stump at Hwy 86 #3 the tree had fallen during ice storm.