Take precautions with extreme, severe weather


Weather experts are predicting higher than normal temperatures for our area for this week as well as potential severe weather for Tuesday of this week. Matthew Littleton of the Anderson County Emergency Services Division reminds area residents to take precautions as well as to remind look out for neighbors:

As the temperatures increase, limit outdoor activities and take frequent breaks which should include significant water intake.

If you have to be outdoors, try to do so in the early morning before the heat of the day. Keep shades, blinds, and doors closed to help keep things cool in your home.

If you do not have air conditioning, take advantage of public buildings during the heat of the day.

Keep a check on each other and especially keep an eye on small children and the elderly who are especially vulnerable to extreme heat. And remember, drink lots of water before you get thirsty.

With the threat of severe weather, Littleton says to avoid calling 911 for fallen power lines and trees unless there are people trapped or injured by the fallen debris. Instead, call your local power utility (1-800-POWERON for Duke Customers) for restoration or call the non-emergency line for Anderson County at 864-260-4444.

Also, now is a good time to make sure you have an All Hazards Weather Radio in working condition. These devices receive real time weather alerts directly from the National Weather Service. There are numerous FREE smartphone apps that can provide you with weather alerts as well as traditional local TV and radio stations. You can pick these up a several retailers in the area for between $30 and $40.

As a reminder, if you see severe weather approaching, you should seek shelter, indoors, immediately.

“We hope you have a safe and enjoyable summer week in Anderson County,” Littleton said.