Pelzer Historic District to go before state board


The Pelzer Historic District will be considered by the South Carolina State Board of Review for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places at 10:30 a.m. July 28 in Columbia. To be included a property must be 50 years old and have some state or national significance.
Other criteria includes being associated with events that have a significant contribution to broad patterns of history; associated with the lives of significant persons; have distinctive architecture; or are likely to yield information important in history or archeology potential.
Pelzer meets two of the four according to Ehren Foley, Ph. D, National Register Historian & Historical Marker Coordinator.

The proposed Pelzer Historic District has some architecture and place relevant to history in that it reflects textile manufacturing in SC and mill housing in SC.
Larry Coker and Dianne Lollis , and members of the Pelzer Heritage Commission gathered information and photographs of the properties that are included in the nomination process.
The proposed district includes properties on Lebby Street, Reed Street, Smyth Street, Anderson Street and Square St. The district also includes the dam and power house and some mill structures.
The National Register of Historic Places is the Federal government’s official list of historic properties worthy of preservation.
If approved for the National Register, the listing will provide recognition of the Pelzer Historic District’s historic importance and assures protective review of Federal and some State projects that might adversely affect the character of the district. Certain Federal and State investment tax credits for rehabilitation and other provisions may apply.
The meeting will be held in the Wachovia Room of the South Carolina Archives and History Center, 8301 Parklane Road, in Columbia.