Study being done on infrastructure needs in Northern Anderson County


Anderson County is currently in the process of planning study for intrastructure needs in the Powdersville area.
According to Anderson County Wastewater Director Derrick Singleton, the County is in the process of completing a Planning Study for the Saluda River, Brushy Creek and Hurricane Creek Sewer Basins in Northern Anderson County.
Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood engineering firm was hired to work with County Planning and the Wastewater Department to target potential high growth areas and to determine how to best provide wastewater infrastructure for future growth.
ReWa is currently in the process of a similar study to provide trunk sewer lines that will allow Anderson County collector lines to tie into.
Preliminary designs show Anderson County installing lines ranging from 8″ to 18″ in diameter with possible additional pump stations. The study show a potential build out of 20 years with an estimated cost of over 30 million dollars.
“Anderson County has seen a lot of growth on and around Hwy. 153 where we still have capacity for growth in our infrastructure,” Singleton said. “We are starting to see development along with interest coming south down 85 to Hwy 86 and 29. Once the two studies are complete the plans should connect and add additional capacity using both Anderson County and ReWA lines.”