SCDOT picks up 13,130 bags of litter


South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) employees picked up 13,130 bags of roadside trash weighing 209,725 pounds at this year’s fall cleanup.

Approximately 1,700 SCDOT employees, from headquarters to the county offices, were deployed across the state Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2020, in support of Lt. Gov. Pamela Evette’s “Grab A Bag SC 2020” cleanup program.

ImageTransportation Secretary Christy Hall said, “We ask the public to help us keep the newly cleaned highways litter-free. Not only is litter an eyesore, but it can clog drains, pollute waterways and hurt our state’s economy by discouraging economic development.”

Lt. Gov. Evette kicked off the 2020 litter pickup program in October at Clemson University with PalmettoPride and the university’s Solid Green campaign. This statewide initiative is a safe litter pickup event that encourages South Carolinians to help clean up litter, one bag at a time.

ImageSCDOT employees are planning another statewide litter cleanup day in spring 2021.