SCDHEC Update June 23, 2021


On Wednesday June 23 DHEC reported 68 new cases and 59 new probable cases of COVID-19. There was 1 COVID related death reported. Anderson County reported 1 new cases. Greenville County reported 9 new cases and 9 probable cases. There were 155 COVID patients in hospitals with 38 in ICU and 21 on ventilators.
Positivity rate on the 5,196 test results reported was 2.3 percent.

On Tuesday (June 22) DHEC reported 34 new cases and 15 probable cases of COVID-19. There were 3 deaths reported. Anderson County reported no new cases.
Greenville County reported 4 new cases.
There were 2,585 molecular test results reported with a positivity rate of 1.7 percent. There were 155 COVID patients in hospitals with 35 in ICU and 19 on ventilators.