SCDHEC Weekly Update (Aug. 3-10) – COVID cases continue to rise


On Tuesday (Aug 10 – for Aug 8) SCDHEC reported 1954 new cases and 250 probable new cases of the coronavirus COVID-19. There were 11 COVID related deaths. DHEC reported 16,717 molecular test results with a percent positive of 15.5. Anderson County reported 87 new cases and 5 probable cases probable cases. Greenville County reported 195 new cases, 10 probable cases and 1 death related to COVID.
There were 1,166 COVID patient in hospitals with 317 in ICU and 177 on ventilators.
In Anderson County, there were 26 COVID patients in hospital beds, 5 in ICU beds and 1 on a ventilator.
In Greenville County, there were 103 patients in COVID beds with 33 in ICU beds and 13 ventilated.

The following were reported Monday Aug. 9:
For Sat. (Aug. 7) – Anderson County reported 99 new cases, 22 probable cases and 1 death related to COVID.
Greenville County reported 192 new cases, 13 probable cases and 1 probable death related to COVID.
For Fri (Aug. 6) – Anderson County reported 69 new cases and 11 probable cases.
Greenville County reported 266 new and 43 probable cases.
For Thurs (Aug. 5) – Anderson County reported 90 new cases and 27 probable cases. Greenville County reported 240 new cases and 41 probable cases.
For Aug. 4 – Statewide there were 2,535 new cases and 701 probable cases reported. There were 8 COVID related deaths and 3 probable COVID deaths.
Anderson County reported 94 new cases and 16 probable cases.
Greenville County reported 230 new cases and 51 probable cases.
On Aug. 5 (For Aug. 3) DHEC reported 1,878 new cases, 902 probable cases, 8 COVID related deaths and 1 probable death.
There were 12, 854 molecular test results reported with 18.7 percent of those testing positive.
Anderson County reported 77 new cases, 30 probable cases and 2 deaths.
Greenville County reported 172 new cases, 28 probable cases and 1 death.
There were 729 COVID patients in hospitals across the state with 196 in ICU and 87 on ventilators.
Anderson County had 22 COVID beds occupied, 9 of 61 COVID ICU beds and one COVID patient on a ventilator.
Greenville County had 53 COVID beds occupied with 141 ICU beds and 10 ventilated.