Williamston Christmas Parade postponed due to weather


Due to the high probability of rain as well as the potential for lightning, the Williamston Christmas parade has been rescheduled for Sunday, Dec. 12 at 4:30 P.M. Registration will begin at 4:00 P.M. at the old Fort Hill Natural Gas building on Hamilton Street.

If you have pre-registered, you will simply pick up your number. If you have not pre-registered, you will need to fill out the paperwork before being assigned a number. To avoid the registration line, please pre-register by contacting Sherri Cole – call or text 864-353-2893 or email sherricole@charter.net

PLEASE NOTE: Calvary Baptist Church has a previously scheduled event on Sunday to serve those in our community who are in need. They will need their parking lot to accommodate their guests. Please refrain from using their parking lot for parade activities such as drop-off/pick-up.

The Piedmont Christmas Parade scheduled for Saturday morning was canceled due to the weather and will not be rescheduled, organizers said.