Public meeting Friday on sale of sewer lines – Pelzer


The Town of Pelzer will hold a public meeting Friday, April 1 to hear from citizens on the sale of sewer lines to Renewable Water Resources. The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. at the Pelzer Gym, 112 Lebby Street. There are no other items on the agenda for the meeting.

The Town of Pelzer and Renewable Water Resources (ReWa) began discussing the purchase of the town’s sewer system by ReWa in 2017 and ongoing negotiations have been underway since then.

Pelzer Mayor Will Ragland said there have been several meetings with ReWa officials recently and they are looking at the final numbers for the sewer system purchase.

Ragland said with upgrades done in the last several years, the system is in good shape. Most of the sewer lines were replaced, but not all.

ReWa initially offered $800,000 for the system, however Mayor Ragland said after inspection of the system, they are withholding funds for needed upgrades including clearing of the right of way over the sewer line. There will be considerable work to clear the overgrown right of way, he said.

Currently ReWa is offering to pay the town $600,000. Once the deal is completed, ReWa will take over all maintenance of the sewer lines and pump stations. The $2 million USDA grant/loan which was for recent upgrades, will also be paid off.

Ragland said the goal is to lower water bills and offer better service to the town residents.
“They have resources and equipment we don’t have. it is a major burden on the town’s two public works employees who are always on call during the week and on weekends. it is time for us to get out of the sewer business.”

Ragland said the town will continue to read meters and bill for water and sewer services when ReWa takes over.
First reading on the sale will be held in a special called meeting on April 5. Second reading will be held at the regular meeting of council on April 12.