The Williamston Female College once stood on the site now occupied by the Williamston Municipal Center. The college was founded in 1872, offering educational opportunities to girls. It was moved to Greenwood in 1904, becoming Lander College, now Lander University, in honor of its founder, Dr. Samuel Lander.
The following is an exerpt from 1872 catalogue of Williamston Female College:
“Our pupils have the advantage of a summer residence in a region noted for its healthful climate, with free access to the justly celebrated WILLIAMSTON MINERAL SPRING.
“The medicinal qualitites of the Fourtain of Health will be cordially avouched for by hundreds of former invalids who have received great benefit from using its water. In order that parents having delicate daughters to educate may ascertain whether the water would probably benefit them, an analysis of it is given below. The intelligent physician, after examining this, will be able to give reliable advice in any case.
“ANALYSIS – Each pint of the water contains 13 1/2 grains of Carbonate of Iron, held in solution in an excess of Carbonic Acid; three and a half grains of Sulphate of Potash; two and a half grains of Sulphate of Magnesia, a trace of Iodine, and a trace of Sulphur.
“The Spring is about two hundred yards from the College building, and our boarding pupils have the provilege of visiting it twice every day. Very decided benefit has been already derived from the use of the water by pupils who were sent to us on account of their delicate health.”