Saturation operation effective


The Williamston Police Department recently conducted a Saturation operation in Williamston which resulted in numerous arrests, tickets or warnings.

Particpating in the operation were three State Highway Patrol officers, four full time Williamston Police officers, two Reserves and six State Constables.

Fifteen people were either issued tickets or arrested and nine people were issued warnings by the Williamston Police Department.

Highway patrol arrests included one marijuana charge, six tickets and seven warnings.

Williamston Police Chief Jay Grubbs said that the Saturation operation is the third his office has conducted since he took over as Chief of Police. Most of the tickets issued were misdemeanors, however there were outstanding warrants, numerous drug possession, possession with intent to distribute and several felony drug charges.

Arrests included Kendra A Mack, improper turn signal and simple possession of marijuana; Colton J. Stroud, simple possession of marijuana; Melissa J. Keeler, loitering in a drug area; Tyler J. Damesworth, loitering in a drug area; Lagaries M. Mattison, simple possession of marijuana; Nelson L. Skelton, open container; John R. Weaver Jr., driving under suspension (2nd); Bobby Wade, open container, simple possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia; Leon Bigby, driving under suspension; Allan Duncan Jr., driving under suspension.

Tickets included Jerry Culbertson, no drivers license; Adam T. Seiler, speeding.

Warning tickets were issued for improper lights, failure to dim lights, improper tag lights, drivers license violations, vehicle license violation and speeding.

Chief Grubbs said he plans to have a saturation operation at least once a month on an ongoing basis. The checkpoints will be at different locations he said.