Greenville County Democrats to meet


Greenville County Democrats will meet at 10 a.m. Saturday, March 3, to re-organize precincts and to begin the process of nominating a candidate for president. The precinct caucuses will be held at 17 sites over the county, according to party chairman David C. Mitchell.

In addition to electing precinct officers, those attending will adopt resolutions on party and governmental affairs and choose delegates and alternates to the county party convention march 26 at the TD Center.

Delegates elected at the county convention will select delegates for the state party convention in Columbia on May 12, where delegates will name delegates to the national presidential convention in Charlotte in September.

Any registered voter that did not vote in the recent Republican presidential primary is eligible to take part in the Democratic meetings, Mitchel said,

Precincts will meet at schools throughout Greenville County.

In South Greenville County they will meet at Ellen Woodside Elementary School: For precincts including:Donaldson, Donaldson Center Fire Department; Dunklin, Dunklin Fire Station; Fork Shoals, Fork Shoals Elementary School; Piedmont, Beattie Hall/Piedmont Community Center; Reedy Fork, Reedy Fork Baptist Church; Woodmont,Woodmont Middle School; Baker Creek, Valley Brook Outreach Baptist; Ware Place, Ellen Woodside Elementary School.