School Board approves personnel, transfers


Anderson School District One Board of Trustees approved personnel and heard preliminary budget information for the 2012-13 school year during their meeting Tuesday.

District One Teacher of the Year Kristen Hearn told the Board about an initiative she is coordinating along with other former District Teachers of the Year, to raise funds for a scholarship program for district one students who plan to go into teaching.

The program, called ASD1 Loves Teachers, will provide a one time scholarship for a high school senior at both Palmetto and Wren High Schools, Hearn said. Powdersville High will be included the following year when they have a senior class.

The idea for the scholarship came from a forum with superintendent Dr. Wayne Fowler after Hearn heard about a similar program while serving on the state board for the Teacher of the Year.

“We wanted it (Teacher of the Year) to be something more than just a title,” Hearn said. “We have so much more we can do for our District One Schools.”

The program raised $5,000 by accepting a $5 donation from teachers, principals, support staff throughout the district who paid $5 to be allowed to wear blue jeans for one day.

Dr. Fowler reported that 14 District One Schools had received an “All Clear” on an accreditation process recently. Fowler said the status means “no deficiencies were identified.”

“It is incredible that as many as did were able to get an All Clear”, Dr. Fowler said. “There is a lot of work in meeting those standards.” Fowler praised Associate Superintendent David Havird and district principals for their work in receiving the “All Clear” status.

Finance Director Steve Uldrick reported that the ad valorem (real estate) tax payment was delayed and that Title 1 payment and the IDEA payments, both Federal funds, had been slow in coming but had been received this week.

Dr. Fowler mentioned that all District One schools that were eligible had received either Silver or Gold awards and the schools would be awarded pins and flags recognizing the achievement at a later date.

Board member Melissa Hood reported that two of three students she nominated for a “Schools Got Talent” contest were in the top 11 finalists (See separate story).

She also reported that the Powdersville High is hosting a three day band competition and that the Powdersville High Band had received a superior designation during the competition.

Associate Superintendent Havird reported that the nutrition program had revenues of $362,570 and expenses of $343,880 for an $18,690 profit in February. The program is showing a $23,259 year to date profit, he said.

Havird reported that the mural project at Powdersville Middle had sparked an essay contest for students who wrote about persons and places depicted in the painting. A mural project will be underway at Hunt Meadows next he said.

The board unanimously approved personnel recommendations made by Dr. Fowler, which includes new hires, resignations and transfers for the 2012-13 school year.

Personnel recommendations included:

Resignations – Kathryn Copeland, Wren Middle, Math; Rebecca Holder, Palmetto High, English; Dexter Keels, Palmetto High, Social Studies; Kathy Perry, Wren High/Middle, Strings; Robin Phillips, Palmetto Middle, Science.

Retirement – Peter Tourtellot, Palmetto High, Social Studies.

Leave – Annette Ghan.

Recommendations – Erin Atkin, Hunt Meadows Elementary, Music; Jamie Chamberlin, Powdersville High, Academic Assistance; Bryan Davis, Palmetto High, Science; Brenda Ferguson-Frady, Powdersville High, Family Consumer Science; Lee Garner, Palmetto High, Physical Education; Nick Hawkins, Powdersville Middle, Band, Choral.

Also Elizabeth Lucas, Powdersville High, Physical Education; Brian Meares, Powdersville High, Math; Towers Rice, Palmetto Middle, English Language Arts, Social Studies; Angela Riddle, Palmetto Elementary School, Special Eudcation; Lynnea Salscheider, Wren Middle, Math.

Approved recommendations include a list of all teachers and transfers in the District for next year.

Immediately following their regular meeting the District One Board held a budget worksession in which Dr. Fowler reported on state funding projections from the House Ways and Means Committee and projected expenditures that should be considered for next year (See separate story)