Williamston Police Officers investigated the following incidents:
Apr. 17 – Joseph Berry, 19 Woodmere Ct., Williamston reported someone struck his vehicle with a raw egg. M. E. Simmons investigated.
Apr. 20 – Brian Martin WElborn, 37, 307 Claudine Dr., Anderson was arrested for outstanding bench warrants for allowing operation of uninsured vehicle and operating uninsured vehicle after Greenville County Sheriff’s Office notified WPD that he was in custody. B. C. Kelley investigated.
Apr. 17 – Officers investigated a report of eggs being thrown from a black SUV/Jeep with pink bars on top in the vicinity of Ridge Court. Reports state two juvenile children were struck by the eggs. M. E. Simons, Capt. E. S. Russell investigated.
Apr. 21 – John Matthew Durham, 37, 16 Rogers St., Williamston reported items valued at $330 taken from his vehicle. Missing items included earphones and a 9mm Smith and Wesson handgun. M. E. Simmons, Sgt. K. J. Winn investigated.
Apr. 21 – Steve Duncan, 214 Academy St,. Williamston reported items valued at $775 taken from his residence. Missing items include four top post batteries, three side post batteries, two Anagarcia fishing rods and reels, three Shakespeare rods and reels. M. E. Simmons, Sgt. K. J. Winn investigated.
Apr. 22 – Officers investigated a burglary at Fast Fuel , 207 W. Main St., in which a cement block ws thrown through a glass. Sgt. K. J. Winn, M. E. Simmons investigated.
Apr. 21 – Edward D. Burton, Jr. 43, 210 Academy St., Williamston reported damage to ties on a chain link fence. Damage was estimated at $100. M. E. Simmons, Sgt. K. J. Winn investigated.
Officers investigated several domestic incidents in which there were no arrests.