Williamston Police Report


Williamston Police Officers investigated vandalism of a town building estimated at $20,000 and recovered a stolen vehicle during the previous week. Among incidents investigated were the following: June 1 – Roberts Prescott Alezander, 17, 5 Edgewater Ln. Greenville was arrested for burglary 3rd degree and malicious damage to property after officers were dispatched in reference to two white males breaking windows on town property. Upon further investigation it was determined that windows and glass were broken in the old water treatment plant. Damage was estimated at $20,000. A juvenile was also arrested. L. E. Mulz, M.P. Richardson investigated.

June 2 – Brian Mize reported windows broken out of a residence at 4 Prince St., Williamston. Damage was estimated at $100. B. C. Kelley investigated.

June 2 – Marty Darnell, G St., Williamston was arrested for an outstanding bench warrant after WPD was notified by the Anderson County Detention Center that he was in custody. M. E. Simmons investigated.

June 2 – Officers responded to Brown St. in reference to possible shots fired. The incident could not be confirmed. L. E. Mulz investigated.

June 2 – William Lloyd Dodd, 19, 100 Evelyn Ln. #8, Piedmont and Michael David Hanner, Jr. (no additional info provided)were arrested for simple possession of marijuana after a vehicle was observed at a vehicle safety checkpoint at Main St. and Gossett Drive. Reports state three partially smoked marijuana cigarettes were found in the vehicle. M. P Richardson investigated.

June 2 – Kimberly Ann Bishop, 49, 105 Hampton St., Pelzer was arrested for possession of methamphetamine, possession of drug paraphernalia and operating an uninsured vehicle after a blue vehicle was observed at a vehicle safety checkpoint at Main St. and Gossett Drive. During the investigation, officers found a small baggie with meth in a pocketbook and a meth pipe, rubber tube, straw and filter inside another bag. L. E. Mulz, M. P Richardson investigated.

June 4 – L. E. Mulz assisted West Pelzer Police Chief Mike Clardy in an arrest after a vehicle was stopped on Main St. in West Pelzer. Reports state officers observed three knives in between the two front seats. Upon further investigation West Pelzer Police Officer Sargent found two bags of hypodermic needles and two scales. A clear plastic baggie with a powders subtance was also found. The driver of the vehicle, Fred W. Darby, 215 Tripp St., Williamston was arrested by Sargent and transported to the WPD for holding. L. E. Mulz investigated.

May 31 – Tina Renee Thrasher, 41, 114 W. Third St., Williamston was arrested for driving under suspension 2nd after her vehicle broke down and caught fire on Mauldin St. Sgt. E. T. Hutchins investigated.

May 31 – Alesa Catherine Wood, 22, 102 Kilgore Ave. Williamston was arrested for providing false information to an officer after officers responded to the location to investigate a suspicious vehicle. Upon investigation, a black truck at the location was determined to be stolen in Ware Shoals. According to reports, the alleged driver of the truck climbed out the back window of the residence and ran through the woods after Woods had stated that no one else was there. The incident remains under investigation. Codes Ofc. J Harris, Sgt. E. T. Hutchins investigated.

May 30 – Edrick Jerrard Henry, 41, 154 Evans Dr., Belton was arrested for outstanding bench warrant for driving under suspension, false information, no proof of insurance and vehicle registration not in possession, after the SC Probation, Pardon and Parole agency notified WPD that they had him in custody. K. D. Lollis investigated.

May 30 – Officers responded to Gossett Drive and E. First St., in reference to possible shots fired. The area was checked and officers were unable to locate any subject in the area. Sgt. E. T. Hutchins investigated.

May 29 – Officers investigated a report of possible shots fired in the vicinity of East Carolina St. L. E. Mulz, Sgt. D. W. Bryant investigated.

May 29 – Sally Michelle Craft, 33, 205 Cherokee Rd., Williamston was arrested on an outstanding bench warrant for speeding. M. E. Simmons investigated.

May 29 – Henri Cornetta Manley, 59, 212 Dacusville Rd., Marietta reported a purse removed from an unlocked vehicle parked in Mineral Spring Park. K. D. Lollis investigated.

May 23 – Officers investigated an incident of unlawful commuication in which a resident received threatening text messages. L. E. Mulz investigated.

Several compliance notices were sent to area residents concerning excessive grass, weeds and plant growth. Property owners have 10 days to bring property into compliance. Codes Ofc. J. Harris investigated.