School District One approves personnel


By David Meade – During their regular monthly meeting Tuesday, the Anderson School District One Board of Trustees heard an update on the budget, approved new and revised policies on harassment and use of technology resources, and approved personnel.

Dr. John Pruitt was recognized by the Board for being named the Education Champion of the Year. Wren Principal Robbie Binnicker was recognized for recently being named the SC High School Principal of the Year.

Associate Superintendent David Havird reported that the nutritional program for May had revenues of $403,689 and expenses of $307,613 for a $96,075 profit. Year to date profit for the program amounts to $220,262.

Havird said depreciation of $186,000 and indirect costs of approximately $140,000 along with an expected loss for June will result in a loss on paper of approximately $155,000.

He said the staff at all 14 schools have done a very good job and that the start up at Powdersville High, with 275 students, had gone very well.

Dr. Pruitt reported that the District has had productive staff development program which has “offered something for everybody.”

“It is perhaps the best summer academy ever,” he said, focusing on common core, math and ELA.

Pruitt said 26 American history teachers have attended a program in Washington D. C. which included meeting with congressmen, a trip to the House and Senate Floors and tours of Washington. They returned to work on lesson at Clemson he said.

Superintendent Dr. Wayne Fowler updated the board on the budget which he said could still need adjustments depending on the financing provided in the state budget. (See separate story)

Personnel approved include:

Request for leave – Jennifer Carraway, Cedar Grove El;ementary Grade 2, Stephanie Ridley, Spearman Elementary, Grade 4.

Transfers – Heather Dowell, .5 FTE at Powdersville Middle to 1.0 FTE Art at Cedar Grove; Tammy Poole, 1.0 FTE Computer Lab Manager at Wren Elementary to .5 FTE 4K Kindergarten teacher at Wren Elementary; Christie WRight, Art, transferring from Cedar Griove Elementary 1.0FTE to Concrete Primary, 1.0 FTE.

Resignations – Kirk Ellison, Wren High, Social Studies; LindsayMcKay, Palmetto Elementary, Grade 4; Brandon Meares, Palmetto Elementary, Grade 5; Jeff O’Shields, Palmetto High, Science; Heather Owens, West Pelzer Elementary, Grade 4; Terrie Poore, District ESOL teacher; Bobby Rollins, Wren Middle, ELA; MaryAnn Stephens, Palmetto Elementary, Grade 1; Kenia Warren, Palmetto High, Spanish.

Recommendations – Kristen Batson, Wren Middle, Music; Allison Baum, Wren Middle, ELA; Shannon Burgess, Palmetto Elementary, Grade 4; Tammy Glenn, Palmetto High, Spanish; Amy Langford, Wren Middle, Grade 6; Robert Lyles, Palmetto Middle, English language Arts, Grade 7; Allison Pettigrew, West Pelzer Elementary, Grade 4; Micah Roberts, Palmetto Elementary, Grade 5; Sydney Wigington, Palmetto Elementary, Grade 1.

Adminstrative recommendations – Chris Chapman, Wren High, Assistant Principal; Robbie Roach, Palmetto High, Assistant Princpal/Director of Freshman Academy.