Williamston Police Officers investigated several incidents involving dogs running at large and one in which five animals were removed from a residence due to poor health conditions. Among incidents investigated were:
Aug. 10 – Officers removed five dogs from a residence at 108 Bigby St., Williamston after officers observed three appearing very malnourished with ribs and hip bones visible. Another male dog chained on the front porch appeared very skinny and malnourished. In all, the adult male, two females and two puppies were taken. The dogs were transported to the Anderson County Animal shelter for treatment. The incident remains under investigation. SGT/SRO L. D. Ritter, D. W. Bryant investigated.
Aug. 8 – James Lewis Mundy, 22, 232 Mauldin St,. Williamston was arrested for outstanding bench warrant. Sgt. E. T. Hutchins investigated.
Aug. 8 – Marcus Wade Chandler, 36, 104 Millie Ave., Iva was arrested for driving under suspension after a orange color Kia was observed 47 mph in a 35 mph zone on Belton Dr. He was also wearing an ankle bracelet for violating parole. D. M. Stipe investigated.
Aug. 8 – Devonte Demar Pickens, 31, 35 Plainfield Circle, Greenville was arrested for providing false information, driving under suspension (4th), and speeding 50 mph in a 35 mph zone after a Pontiac Grand Prix was observed and clocked on radar on North Hamilton St. Capt. E. S. Russell investigated.
July 29 – The manager of One Main Financial, 2 N Hamilton St., reported that a former customer who is now on trespass notice continued to drive by the business and blow the horn. M. E. Simmons investigated.
Aug. 7 – A resident of Circle St. reported a possible shots fired. A second resident also reported heard what sounded like two gun shots in the vicinity of W Second St. M. E. Simmons investigated.
Aug. 9 – Dog reported running at large vicinity of W. Second St., Could not be confirmed. D. M. Stipe investigated.
Aug. 12 – Dog running at large on Main St. and Pelzer Avenue causing a traffic hazard. Brown and white pit mix transported.
Aug. 9 – Williamston officers assisted West Pelzer PD with signing warrants after the arrest of Michael David Jernigan, 47, 2B Holliday St,. Pelzer. Jernigan was served with two counts of assault and battery (3rd). Sgt. E. T. Hutchins investigated.
Other incidents investigated without arrests include:
Numerous alarm activations, one was blamed on birds.
Notice to comply – 500 West Main.
Notice to comply – Lot adjacent to 500 W. Main.
Several reports of suspicious persons and one suspicious vehicle. No arrests.
Three domestic disputes, no arrests.
One phone harrassment, no arrest.
One 911 hangup, misdialed.