Greenville County Schools’ average score on the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) increased in 2012 by two points to 1455, according to a report from The College Board, the organization that administers the test. Greenville County’s combined average score includes composite scores on three sections – critical reading (491), mathematics (494), and writing (470).
The percentage of graduating seniors who took the test also increased, from 61% (2,760) in 2011 to 64% (2,872) in 2012. Greenville County ranks among the highest South Carolina districts in the percentage of students taking the SAT. Only seven of the state’s 84 school districts had more than 64% of students taking the test in 2012.
Four GCS high schools scored at or above the national SAT average of 1477: Eastside (1518), J.L. Mann (1537), Riverside (1577), and Wade Hampton (1477).
Greenville County students continue to outperform their state counterparts on the SAT. The state average composite score fell by five points from 1427 to 1422, while the national average composite score fell by four points from 1481 to 1477. The SAT is scored on a 2400-point scale, with a maximum of 800 points for each section.
In 2011, The College Board implemented new parameters for calculating districts’ and schools’ average composite SAT score. The average composite scores are calculated to include tests administered through June of the graduating year. Prior to 2011, the scores were calculated through March of the graduating year.