The Anderson County Public Works Department reported the following projects underway throughout the county.
Airport – Governor Nikki Haley flew in on the State Airplane, “Palmetto One” for a function at one of our industries.
Building & Codes – Plan review staff met with Architects on a 3,000 sf addition to an existing business in the Powdersville Area. Additional information will be provided once plans are formally submitted.
? Department Manager attended a seminar on the 2009 Energy Code in Spartanburg to get an idea of some of the concerns that Builders have with the adoption of this code, which begins January 1st, 2013. Since we are having this class here at the Anderson Civic Center on November 28, 2012, we want to prepare ourselves to try and answer any concerns our local builders may have.
PERMITS ISSUED: 5 New Single-Family Dwelling and 6 addition/renovation; 7 Electrical and HVAC Upgrades; 6 Detached Storage/Garage Buildings; 1 New Swimming Pool; 6 Commercial (These include the new SEKIDO Addition); 10 Mobile Home including: New Homes and Change of Ownership.
Development Standards
· Working with Hospice of the Upstate representative regarding guidelines for developing a site plan.
· LAND USE PERMITS ISSUED: Carolina Handling Manufacturing Facility, located at 2304 Old River Road, Piedmont
· Staff issued 30 Billboard Permits for Daisy Outdoor Advertising Sign Company.
Fleet Services
· The Solid Waste D6R Dozer is still being repaired. During final checks they found 3 hydraulic cylinder leaks on the front blade. They are making these repairs before giving it back to us.
· Fleet had to tow a new Tandem dump truck to Cummins Atlantic for further diagnostics. Fleet Services does not have the proper scan tool/diagnostic equipment to correct this concern.
· Interviewing for Tire Repairer, 1 Automotive & Equipment Tech II, and Lead Technician positions currently advertising.
· Big Creek MRF is having a lot of equipment break downs; due to loss of personnel, we are having to outsource repairs .
Roads & Bridges
· Assisted the Airport this week, installing sidewalks and backfilling runway areas.
· The bridge crew repaired slope erosion at the Simmons Ford Road (C-20-0010) bridge, cleared debris under Broadwell Mill Road (C-12-0045) bridge and repaired its guardrails, and installed new guardrail on Walker Road (C-03-0052) bridge.
· The Anderson County Transportation Committee (ACTC) met Monday afternoon and approved $100,000 of C-funds for the structural pre-cast concrete slabs for the Airline Road (C-15-0120) Bridge Project and $130,000 for the Cobbs Glen Entrance Project. They also awarded $64,000 to the Town of Williamston for a grant match for their Streetscape expansion.
·· County Road paint line re-striping will begin Monday, October 15th. The contract is with Roadway Management Corporation.
· Positions currently advertising: 1 Equipment Operator on the ditching crew, 1 Truck Driver on the grading crew, and 1 Engineering Technician.
Solid Waste
· Staff is providing at 40-yard container and trash cans for the Meals on Wheels Oyster Roast.
· Staff picked up recycle containers from the City of Belton’s Standpipe Festival.
· The Anderson County Detention Center has provided the Solid Waste Department with 3 inmates this week for the convenience center crew and 3 for the Anderson Regional MRF
· A cease and desist notice was issued to a commercial site off of Hwy 81 in Anderson due to the improper installation of stormwater controls. Also, the approved sequence of construction was not followed.
· Staff met with design engineers representing the owners of two separate subdivisions in the Powdersville area. The purpose of the meeting was to determine what will be required in order to obtain stormwater permits to reactivate construction in one and add another phase to the other.
· Working with the South Carolina Rural Water Association on a rate study to analyze our current rates and fees for the Wastewater Department. Rural Water works with agencies throughout the state with training, troubleshooting, grants and providing assistance to their members at no charge. The rate study will compare our fees and rates with other utilities in the state so that we can work toward a balance budget and still have our rates comparable with others.
· Bids were put out last week for Pumping the sludge from the digester at 6&20. The sludge will not drain from the digester to the drying beds which have increased the depth of the sludge blanket. While the digester is out of service we will repair the air diffuser to help keep the solids suspended so they will drain out. We will have a mandatory preconstruction meeting on 10-15-12 for anyone interested in bidding.
· 31,824 feet of sewer right-of-way was cut on Evergreen, Cindy Lane and Highview Roads.