Around the County . . .


Anderson County Public Works

The following projects are underway around Anderson County . . .


· The Met Life Blimp arrived at the Airport this past Tuesday, to provide TV coverage for Clemson Game Saturday. It has drawn several visitors to the airport to see it. Check out a video showing it landing at

Building & Codes

· Plan review staff met with Architects on a 3,000 sf addition to an existing business in the Powdersville area again this week. Additional information will be provided once plans are formally submitted.

· PERMITS ISSUED: 11 New Single-Family Dwelling and 5 addition/renovation; 12 for Electrical and HVAC Upgrades; 8 Detached Storage/Garage Buildings; 7 Commercial (These include Tri-County Tech Quick Jobs Center, Carolina Handlings New Facility and Mattisons Hardware Up-Fit); 7 Mobile Home including: New Homes and Change of Ownership

Development Standards

· Anderson County Land Use Board of Zoning Appeals currently has three (3) vacancies on the Board and is in desperate need for additional Board members to be appointed to insure that a quorum is present to conduct a scheduled meeting.

· PLAN REVIEWS: Michelin North America Expansion for buildings 100 & 124 located on Bib Way, Anderson

· SUBDIVISIONS APPROVED: Benton Park Subdivision, 82 residential lots off of Circle Road.

Fleet Services

· The Solid Waste D6R Dozer that was outsourced on 3/12/12 was returned on 10/18/12. We are still waiting on a final cost of these repairs. While in operation the driver noticed that none of the gauges were working. Blanchard is coming out to look at it.

· The Tandem dump truck that was outsourced on 10/9/12, to Cummins Atlantic for diagnostics/ repair was returned on 10/18/2012. Most of the repairs were covered under warranty. Fleet does not have the proper diagnostic equipment to work on this vehicle.

· Due to several vacancies, we are outsourcing more repairs than normal to keep down-time to a minimum. Because of this, we will use more of our outside repairs budget than originally thought.

· We are currently interviewing for one (1) Tire Repairer and two (2) Lead Technicians.

· Current Fuel Prices: Unleaded $3.38â, E20 $3.34, Diesel $3.63

Roads & Bridges

· After numerous inquiries from our office, the SCDOT has developed an annual method for counties to update their local rural miles on the official list. This is important for the C-Fund distribution formula. 1.66 cents of the gasoline tax is dedicated to the C-Fund program. The proceeds are then distributed to each County based on the following formula: 1/3rd population, 1/3rd land area, 1/3rd rural road miles. Our records indicate a 122 miles discrepancy between our records and theirs. This could potentially increase our C-Funds distribution next year.

· Received a refund check from SCDOT for $204,355.59. This was part of our local share for the federally funded Milford Road Bridge project.

· The Public Works Work Order/Asset Management Implementation Team met with Cartegraph and Mr. Hopkins to introduce the new web-based version of WorkDirector and outline the implementation needs of the various departments.

· Installed a new 36″ cross-line pipe on Stone Creek Drive (C-09-0172A).

· Installed two new 24″ cross-line pipes on Singer Road (C-09-0277) and repaired a large section of failing asphalt by full-depth patching with asphalt.

· Repaired a cross-line in Cobb’s Glen subdivision.

· Six mowing crews are finishing their 5th round of mowing; one crew has already started its 6th round.

· As of Thursday, 15 roads have been re-striped; the remaining 12 may be completed by Friday if weather conditions are favorable.

· There are three open positions: Equipment Operator and Senior Equipment Operator (both on the ditching crew), and Engineering Technician.

Solid Waste

· Shred Day took place Saturday, Oct. 20, 10am – 2pm at the Civic Center of Anderson and the Upstate Federal Credit union in Williamston. Upstate Federal Credit Union and Anderson County sponsored the event.

· The Anderson County Detention Center has provided the Solid Waste Department with 3 inmates this week for the convenience center crew and 2 for the Anderson Regional MRF.


· The cease and desist notice issued last week to a commercial site off of Hwy 81 in Anderson due to the improper installation of stormwater controls was rescinded.

· SCDHEC issued the new Construction Stormwater General Permit for the state on October 15th. The permit becomes effective January 1, 2013. Staff are reviewing the requirements of the permit. The County’s stormwater ordinance and design manual will need to be revised in order to assure our program is at least as stringent as the state’s stormwater regulations.


· Completed 1 commercial and 2 residential inspections, Residential inspections at Palmetto Valley lots 52 and 54. Commercial inspection at 401 Alliance Parkway on Highview Rd.

· Row-of-Way crew cut 37,919 feet of sewer lines. Completed all of the Beaverdam lines and working on the 6&20 lines. Beavers have created problems along sections of these lines. We have located one section that has washed out around a manhole and some of the line. Need to reestablish the creek bank.