The Bonnes Amies Club of Piedmont will sponsor a Miss and Master Merry Christmas Contest. Deadline for entry is Nov. 29. The child in each category who collects the most votes will be declared the winner of her/his age group and each winner will receive a trophy. Trophies will be awarded and photographs taken on the day of the Piedmont Christmas Parade at a time and location to be announced, organizers said.
Categories include: Wee Miss and Master (Birth – 2 yrs.); Tiny Miss and Master (2-4 yrs.) and Little Miss and Master (4-6 yrs.).
Winner notification will be made by December 5. All the winners will be honored guests and ride on the Bonnes Amies sponsored float in the parade.
Contest participants are responsible for placing voting containers in area businesses with the permission of the business. There is no limit on the number of voting containers that can be placed.
Voting containers should be labeled with category, name and age of child and optional photograph. Parent’s name and phone number should be placed under the lid of the container.
After collecting voting containers, all change must be rolled prior to turning it in. Voting containers will be accepted no later than December 4 at 6 pm at the Piedmont Fire Department located on Highway 86.
All money collected as votes will be used for improvement projects in the Piedmont Community by the Bonnes Amies Club of Piedmont.
For information contact Debbie Merritt at 845-7788 or 414-0379 or request a form by email at
The Piedmont Christmas Parade will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 8.