Augusta Road Ruritans to celebrate 60th anniversary


The Augusta Road Ruritan Club (ARRC) members are planning a celebration of the Club’s 60th Anniversary on Monday, Dec. 17th at 7 p.m. The event will be held in the ARRC Clubhouse at 7788 Augusta Road, South; Piedmont. (1 mile south of Moonville on Hwy 25).

Club President Terry Creamer noted, “Our keynote speaker is 2012 National President Phyllis Lewter, Ruritan’s top elected official, and the second lady to serve as President. It is a high honor for Augusta Road to have President Phyllis and First Husband, Bill, with us. She will induct 2012 officers, and present the 2012 Ruritan of the Year award.”

ARRC member Diane Fant said, “My father was a Charter member and my brother Barry and I invite all former Ruritan family members and friends to be a part of a very historic event for our community – celebration of the 60th anniversary of our Club’s founding. We will have great fellowship, a catered meal, and entertainment by the Sunshine Sisters.”

“We request reservations as soon as possible so we can arrange for food and seating in our Clubhouse,” said Donna Poulton, Club Treasurer. “Donations of $10 per person are needed to cover costs for the meal. Please confirm your reservations by Dec 7th.” Mail your check to ARRC, c/o Donna Poulton, Treasurer, 30 Aeronca Rd, Belton, SC 29627.

Creamer concluded, “We look forward to seeing all our Ruritan family and friends on December 17th for our 60th year celebration and to honor our wonderful National President Phyllis Lewter.”