Members of the Pelzer Heritage Commission are in the process of gathering information about Pelzer residents who have served our country dating back to the Revolutionary War or are currently serving in the military. The information will be published in a new book. Stories, military records and pictures would be appreciated. The information will be used for the continuing Pelzer Tales books series “A Salute to Our Military Heroes” due out by late summer.
Dead line for submission of all articles is April 30.
Another ongoing project of the Commission is the preserving and archiving of the Pelzer Mills information. They are seeking any newspapers, documents, pictures or other items pertaining to the Mills from the 1800’s to the time they were demolished.
Items may be dropped of at Bi-Lo in Pelzer, Doug’s Tires in Williamston or The Journal office.
Please contact Dianne Lollis @ 847-5743, Larry Joe Coker @ 243-9120 or send to Pelzer Heritage Commission, PO Box 627, Pelzer, SC 29669.