Wildcat Theater Guild to present Peter Pan


The Wildcat Theatre Guild will present their production of Peter Pan in performances over the next two weekends, April 19-21 and Apr 25-28. All shows are at 7 p.m., except the Sunday performances which are at 3 pm. The production, under the direction of Will Ragland, features more than 100 actors from several local elementary schools, middle schools, and Woodmont High. It will include actual flying with the help of Flying by Foy, a company that has been involved with the Grammys, AMAs and several movies including Willy Wonka.

The exciting fight scenes were created and choreographed by a professional fight choreographer. Key acting roles in the production include: Peter Pan – Garrett Rollings; Wendy – Ally McCaslin; John – Alex Kitchens; Michael – Nate Grant; Tinker Bell – Samantha Clifford and Captain Hook is none other than Will Ragland!

“It is the largest production ever attempted by Woodmont,” a spokesperson said. “We hope for some wonderful community support. Tickets are available at the door. Cost is $8 for age 12 and over and $5 for ages under 12.