During a three hour budget worksession Saturday morning, Williamton Mayor Mack Durham information presented on a proposed MASC Main Street SC revitalization program which the mayor would like to see the town implement.
The program requires a three year committment and a paid coordinator. Funding for the position is included in the proposed budget the mayor said. (Note: An informational meeting on the program is being held Tuesday Apr. 30 at 7 p.m. at Palmetto High School)
Durham also presented information that included laying out a new budget structure for the town’s four funds (General fund, Water fund, Sewer fund and Hospitality fund) as well as a review of the town’s finances under the two previous administrations.
It also included information on recent changes and restructuring under the new administration and the effects on the upcoming budget.
The presentation included encouraging the mayor and council to work together for the “good” of the town and engaging the community.
The budget is being restructured to organize salaries by department and give more responsibility to department heads, according to the mayor.
The new budget includes funding for a new back hoe for the Sewer Department, a new brush/emergency response truck for the Fire Department and three new police cars.
Mayor Durham said the proposed budget will be presented for first reading at the May 6 meeting of Council.
Related Main St. SC stories:
Main St. SC program could help with revitalization
Durham presents information to Pelzer Council
Main St. SC information presented to West Pelzer