School Board approves personnel


The Anderson School District One Board of Trustees recently approved the following personnel recommendations:

Requst for Leave – Lynn Bayne, Self Contained LD, Wren Middle.
Transfers – Jennifer Couch, 6th grade teacher at Powdersville Middle to Assistant Principal at Palmetto Middle.
Resignations – Carol Fillet, Grade Two, Spearman Elementary; Monica Haley, Resource, Palmetto Middle; Nick Hawkins, Band, Powdersvile Middle; Jody LeCroy, Head Football Coach/Athletic Director, Palmetto High School.

Recommendations – Caleb Alexander, English, Powdersville High; Shelby Arneburg, LD/SC, Powdersville Middle; Jennifer Bostic, Grade Two, Palmetto Elementary; Melanie Callahan, Social Studies, Palmetto Middle; Miranda Cubitt, K3/K4, Hunt Meadows Elementary; Rashonda Davis, Math, Palmetto High; Kasie Granner, Grade 3, Spearman Elementary; McKenzie Hoxit, math, Powdersville High; Madison Lamphere, K5 teacher, Spearman Elementary; Bryan Little, Physical Education, Hunt Meadows; Lisa Mahaffey, Science, Wren Middle; Emily Mangum, Grade One, Concrete Primary; Shannon McCombs, Grade 4, Spearman Elementary; Sheena Odom, Grade 5, Powdersville Elementary; Lathan Pooser, Band, Powdersville Middle; Courtney Samuel, Science, Powdersville High .5FTE) and Wren High (.5FTE); Kaelin Spivey, Grade One, Palmetto Elementary; Molly Tierney, Social Studies, Wren High.