Harrison, Binnicker named Assistant Superintendents


Administrative changes announced

Two new Assistant Superintendents have been appointed at Anderson School District One for 2013-2014.

Jane Harrison has been appointed Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction after serving as Director of Elementary Education for the past 9 years in the district and prior to that serving as principal of Concrete Primary. Robbie Binnicker has been named Assistant Superintendant of Administration after serving one year as Director of Secondary Education and principal of Wren High School for the past 11 years.

Added to the Office of Curriculum and Instruction are Christie Shealy, Director of Testing and Accountability and Lisa Cassidy, Director of Planning and Development. Ms. Shealy has worked at the district office and as instructional coach at Palmetto High School. Ms. Cassidy comes from Palmetto Middle School as Assistant Principal. Kristen Hearne has left Wren Middle School as media specialist to serve as an Instructional Technologist.

Additional district administration changes for 2013-2014 include new principal, Kristie Finley, former assistant principal at Cedar Grove. She has served Anderson One as instructional coach and teacher. Pending board approval, the new assistant principal at Cedar Grove will be Jeffrey Simpson. He is formerly a teacher from Anderson Four. Palmetto Middle will have a new assistant principal, Jennifer Couch coming from teaching at Powdersville Middle School.

New Superintendent David Havird, said, “I am delighted to have such competent, capable and caring administrators available within the district. It is my expectation that they will make excellent decisions on behalf of the students and staff in Anderson One.”