During their regular monthly meeting Monday, Williamston Town approved a change in the town’s smoking ordinance, held first reading on the annexation of four tracts of land on Roberts Blvd. and approved the purchase of a new brush truck for the fire department.
Highlights . . .
Council approved first reading on a change in the town’s recently passed smoking ordinance which clarifies smoking in workplaces.
The change allows smoking in private offices not open to the general public which have a separate HVAC system from the area where employees work.
The ordinance prohibits smoking in all enclosed workplaces within the Town of Williamston including work areas, private offices, employee lounges, restrooms, conference rooms, meeting rooms, classroooms, employee cafeterias, hallways and vehicles.
The ordinance also prohibits smoking in outdoor places including playgrounds, ball fields, parks, outdoor arenas, stadiums and amphitheaters and outdoor playgrounds. Private residences are exempt.
Williamston Mayor Mack Durham said that Smoke-Free window decals have already been been distributed to many businesses and signs have been placed in some areas of the town. He said the ordinance will begin being enforced in public spaces soon.
The ordinance calls for a $100 fine and if in a workplace could result in the suspension or revocation of any permit or business license issued by the town.
Council approved first reading on the annexation of property on Roberts Blvd. The owners of two tracts of land, approximately 10.8 acres and the owner of two adjoining tracts of land, approximately 17.38 acres have requested the properties be annexed into the town.
Council also approved first reading on an ordinance establishing Rules of Order for the Council to operate under. The ordinance generally governs rules and order of business as stated by Robert’s Rules of Order.
Council approved a request by Williamston Fire Chief Steve Ellison to purchase a 2014 Mini-pumper/RIT Truck for the Fire Department. The truck will be financed over a four year period.
Council also made appointments to the Cemetery Committee and to the Parks and Recreation Committee.
Council heard presentations on the 107 Days of Non-Violence initiative, a community cleanup and community safety.
Council was also updated on the Beaverdam Road water pressure project and the Academy St. sewer project.
There was also a report on the GWBA Party in the Park for August and preliminary planning for another event in September.
Police Chief Tony Taylor gave a detailed report the police department and the number of calls, arrests and warnings made by the Department in July.
Johnnie Bell of the Williamston Area Historic Commission updated the council on plans for a dedication to Williamston’s Dr. Dwight H. Smith during the Spring Water Festival.
Additional details on the meeting will be in the Print Edition of The Journal and posted online soon.