Greenville County to patrol school zones – first day back Wednesday


Greenville County Schools will be starting the 2013-2014 school year on Wednesday, August 21. In an effort to ensure the safety of Greenville’s students the Greenville County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit will be aggressively patrolling the school zones. Enforcement of the school zones will take place during the morning and afternoon school zone hours.

School zones are clearly marked throughout the county by flashing yellow caution lights and / or posted signs bearing the hours in which the school zones are in effect and enforceable. The Traffic Unit will be on the look out for speeders and any other traffic violation that could endanger the safety of the children of Greenville County.

During the 2012-2013 school year the Traffic Unit issued a total of 888 speeding citations in school zones. The Sheriff’s Office reminds all drivers to take caution while approaching and passing through the school zones and obey all traffic laws of South Carolina; the safety of everyone depends on all of us.