Two children removed from area home


Two young children, ages four and five, were temporarily removed from a Williamston home after the children were observed walking along Belton Drive with no shoes and soaked by rain. Upon investigation, officers learned that the children were approximately 1/4 mile from their home. The sisters stated they were locked out of their home and were walking to their grandmothers house.

During the investigation it was discoverd the grandmother lived about six miles away in Belton.

Officers placed the children in a patrol car and drove them to their house. The children stated their daddy was asleep in the house. After attempting to get someone to the door, officers entered a back door and again knocked several times on a locked bedroom door in an attempt to get an adult to answer.

Reports state officers determined that the father was possibly in need of medical attention or unresponsive and began to make an emergency entrance into the bedroom.

After the third attempt to force the door open, a male subject in the bedroom asked, “Who is it?”

Upon further investigation the male stated he was coming down off meth.

When the mother was contacted and asked if she could pass a drug test, she stated no and because she was on meth. DSS was called in and it was determined the children should stay with a grandmother until an investigation is completed. T. Eichelberger investigated.