Pelzer receives PRT funds


The Town of Pelzer became the latest municipality in Anderson County to receive recreational funds from the state Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism (PRT) last week.

The funds, presented on behalf of Senator Billy O’Dell by county administrator Rusty Burns, are intended for any recreational use the Town deems necessary. Mayor Steve McGregor pointed out that Pelzer provides recreational facilities and programs for areas well outside the Town’s corporate limits.

“We can always find a use for recreational funds. Our resources are constantly strained. With winter coming on, the heating costs for the gym become a real drain, so this money may go to pay the power bills. We are certainly grateful to the Senator, who has always supported Pelzer and its recreational programs.”

Burns said that West Pelzer, Williamston, Belton and Honea Path have also received PRT grants through the efforts of Senator O’Dell. “The Senator understands the value of programs for the area’s young folks, and the value of the training and coaching and mentoring that these kids receive from the adults involved.”