By Sawyer Martin
Sputtering faucets, shrill electric drills, and laughter from paint smudged pre-teens echoed from the old armory building early afternoon on Saturday, (Oct. 12). Ten of Palmetto’s Finest sixth and seventh graders from Palmetto Middle School volunteered to earn their community service hours to help with the first cleanup effort on the building.
The lively middle school students worked alongside Mayor Mack Durham, community artist Mary Catherine Smith, and many parents. The volunteer clean up began the restoration of the old building soon to become the exciting new cultural arts center of Williamston.
“It’s so good that we’re using what we have and beautifying it,” said Walissa Edwards, resident of Williamston and parent of sixth grader Elishua Williams who helped wash and paint the armory. “It’s nice to know they’re using the kids to encourage community service.”
For more information about the new cultural arts center, contact Williamston Town Hall at 847-7473.