Delegates to the South Carolina Federation of Republican Women’s biennial convention held recently at Folly Beach elected new officers for the 2014-2015 term. Kim Wellman of Lexington was elected president; she is a past president and member of the West Metro Republican Women.
Other officers elected include: Bev Brady of Harbor Island (Beaufort North Republican Women) as first vice president; Beverly Owensby of Spartanburg (Palmetto House Republican Women) as second vice president; Suzette Jordan of Greenville (Upstate Republican Women) as secretary; and Debbie Spaugh also of Greenville (Greenville County Republican Women) as treasurer.
The following district directors were also elected: Mary Ann Taylor of Charleston (Charleston County Republican Women); Deb Marks of Irmo (Capital City Republican Women); Dr. Anne Hancock of Greenwood (Greenwood Republican Women); Carole Self of Campobello (Spartanburg Republican Women); and Marita Edens of Lancaster (Lancaster Republican Women). Mary Ann Mills of Anderson (Anderson Republican Women) and Gaye Holt of Moore (GSP Republican Women) were elected as members-at-large.
During the convention, Senator Katrina Shealy (R-Lexington) received both of two prestigious honors that the Federation awarded. Senator Shealy received the Strom Thurmond Award for Government and Public Services, which is presented to an elected official. She also received the Woman of the Year award which is given to an SCFRW member for strong Republican activism and leadership. Members of the board of directors (local club presidents and SCFRW officers, directors and standing committee chairs) select by secret ballot the winner of the Strom Thurmond award. SCFRW clubs submit nominations for the Woman of the Year award, with the winner selected by a small committee of state presidents from the National Federation of Republican Women.
Outgoing SCFRW president Charm Altman of Charleston was also honored with a resolution commending her for her service and leadership of the SCFRW during the 2012-2013 term. More than 100 delegates, alternates and guests attended the SCFRW biennial convention.
The South Carolina Federation of Republican Women was formed in 1961 and is currently comprised of 30 local clubs with nearly 1,000 members throughout the state. The objectives of the Federation are to promote an informed public through political educational activity; increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government; facilitate cooperation between the National and state federations; foster loyalty to the Republican Party and promote its principles; support the objectives and policies of the Republican National Committee; and work for the election of the Republican Party nominees.