Williamston Police Report


Williamston Police officers investigated a bad drug deal in which the alleged purchaser was arrested and another incident in which an officer drew a firearm on a suspect who continued to approach her. Among incidents investigated were the following:

Nov. 4 – Ronnie Edward Cureton, 61, 110 Market St., Williamston reported a burglary in which forced entry was gained by kicking in the front door. $50 in change was reported missing. R. Drennon investigated.

Nov. 5 – Mable Slade, 58, 325 E. Caroline St. reported being punched in the head and wrestled to the floor by a man while at the dining hall at New Prospect Church, 619 Greenville Dr. Officers were to speak to the judge about obtaining a warrant. R. Drennon investigated.

Nov. 5 – Gene Anthony Agnew, 49, 11 Brown St., Williamston was arrested for public disorderly conduct after being observed walking in the middle of Tripp St. with a handtruck at 2:30 a.m.

According to reports, Officer T. L. Eichelberger drew her .40 Caliber firearm and pointed it at the suspect after he repeatedly ignored her commands and walked slowly toward her. When backup arrived, Agnew again ignored commands from Officer R. Drennon, even under the threat of being tazed. Officers eventually grabbed the suspect and forced him to the ground where he was handcuffed.

Nov. 5 – Christopher Garrett McCall, 17, 400 Holilday St., Pelzer reported a Samsung Galaxy 3S cell phone removed from a bookbag. The phone is valued at $200. SGT/SRO L. D. Ritter investigated.

Nov. 5 – Brandon Lee Strickland, 22, 15 E 4th St., Williamston and Cody Austin Whitt, 21 S. Courtney St., Pelzer were arrested for autobreaking and theft after being dispatched to 614 N. Hamilton St., apartments. Reported missing were a purse and some contents which were located nearby. The Coach purse was valued at $150 and contained about $75 in cash. The incident remains under investigation. T. L. Eichelberger investigated.

Nov. 6 – Michael Todd Jeckel, 45, 140 Harper St., Williamston was arrested for outstanding warrant through ACSO, suspended drivers licenses, registration not in possession and tag registered to another vehicle after a purple Chevrolet Blazer was observed in the Hardees parking lot with a cracked windshield. He was also issued a warning ticket for defective equipment and improper turn (no signal). After determining the tag was reported stolen from a vehile on Belton Hwy. in Williamston. An arrest warrant for possession/receiving stolen property was also added. M. E. Simmons investigated.

Nov. 7 – Property manager Kelly Mullikin reported a break-in at 106 Crown St,. in Williamston. A rear sliding glass door valued at $600 was damaged. According to reports, it appeared something struck the door, which was secured with a security bar, causing the damage. J. Rogers investigated.

Nov. 8 – Joanne Tollison Todd, 54, 5 Sunset Ct,. Williamston reported a Honda 70cc red and white dirt bike stolen from the back yard. The bike was valued at $850. T. L. Eichelberger investigated.

Nov. 8 – James Lewis Heard, 53, 21 W. Carolina St., Williamston was arrested for loitering for purpose of engaging in drug activitiy after officers were dispatched to the address. According to reports, Heard admitted being given two pieces of what he thought was crack cocaine which he told offices had made him sick. Reports also state that when he complained to the drug dealer, the dealer threatened him. Heard was arrested and transported to ACDC. T. l. Eichelberger investigated.

In another incident, officers were called to 207 W. Main St. in reference to a plastic wrapper left on a counter which contained a white rock like substance. The substance field tested positive as crack cocaine. The item was placed into evidence. R. Drennon investigated.

Nov. 11 – James Milford Hollingsworth III, 26, 1420 Big Creek Rd., Belton was arrested for driving under suspension, no proof of insurance and no registration in possession after an incident at Tripp St. and Black St., No details were provided. M. E. Simmons investigated.

Nov. 11 -SavWay, 309 E. Main St., Wililamston reported a gas drive-off in which two black male subjects in a black Ford Explorer pumped $30 in gas and left without paying. J. Rogers investigated.