Area residents and businesses have a unique opportunity to claim a piece of Williamston history by participating in the initial fundraising program of the Palmetto Area Cultural Art Center (PACAC). Beginning February 1 through March 31, the PACAC kicks off the Founders’ Circle level of fundraising where donors who contribute $1,000 or more will be permanently listed as implemental in launching the center’s programming.
“For the benefit of your children, grandchildren, and our community it is very important that you support our new arts center,” said Boyd Greene, PACAC board secretary. “It will work to improve the lives of Williamston’s citizens in many ways.”
“The PACAC will work to leverage the arts and engaging design to make our community more livable by enhancing its quality of life. It will strive to increase community creative activity in the areas of visual arts, performing arts, and music.”
In addition to growing the local economy, Boyd said the PACAC will work toward developing a distinct sense of place for Williamston and the surrounding area.
With a grand opening several months away, the PACAC will utilize the existing National Guard Armory building located on Gossett Street in Williamston. Currently in the process of renovations, the building will be a multi-use location for various art disciplines allowing for educational and community events. The board of the PACAC recently adopted the following mission statement.
It is the mission of the Palmetto Area Cultural Art Center to encourage, develop, and exhibit the diverse talents of the community and to bring the very best of the wider world to that same cause. In the spirit of West Allen Williams, founder of Williamston, all are welcome.
It is also the foundation of all culture to have and support the arts. Every civilization has had events that edified and brought together its people to learn and develop its skills. Williamston is proud to carry on this timeless tradition of cultivating the arts.
Be it dance, music, sculpture, or art: the Palmetto Area Cultural Art Center is dedicated to promoting and developing one’s talent to bring out the very best and move forward into the future for great art. It is with pledge and duty the Palmetto Area Cultural Art Center gives all a chance to excel to the betterment of the community. “I study politics and war that my sons may have the liberty to study mathematics, philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, tapestry, and porcelain,” – John Adams.
“John Adams wrote what many consider the most balanced statement of politics in the hierarchy of human disciplines,” Greene said. “Adams proclaimed that first there must be a governmental foundation and upon it rests the economy to make citizens productive and prosperous and then that is painted beautiful by the arts. The board members of the PACAC sincerely believe this project is critical to the future of Williamston. To our friends, neighbors, and businesses, please step up and lend your support to this important project.” To become a member of the Founders’ Circle, make a donation of $1,000 or more to: PACAC Founders’ Circle, PO Box 103, Williamston, SC 29697