County approves incentives for Lee Steam project


During their meeting Tuesday night, Anderson County Council approved major economic and infrastructure incentives realated to Duke Energy’s intentions to upgrade the Lee Steam Station near Williamston. The company is considering plans to build and run a natural-gas-fired plant at the site which will include a $600 million investment. Anderson Council officials are still calling the project by the code name “Project Mystery Green,” though published reports have identified it as the Lee Steam Station project.

If the company proceeds, the new plant would take up to 18 months to build and add an estimated 500 construction jobs. The plant will employ 25 people making an average of $30 per hour a Duke Energy spokesperson said.

According to reports, the company has not made the final decision on whether to build the new natural gas plant but could make a final decision this spring. Duke Energy has stated plans to retire two of its coal-burning generators at Lee Steam by 2105 and convert a third one to natural gas.