Afghan veteran fatally injured – Firetower Road


SC State Troopers examine the wreckage of a 2007 H3 Hummer after it ran off Firetower Road near SC 88 early Saturday morning and struck a tree then wrapped around a second tree. The driver, James Gravley, 42, of Piedmont, was fatally injured when he was thrown from the vehicle. Anderson County Coroner Greg Shore said Gravley was not wearing a seat belt and was traveling at a high rate of speed. He died from blunt-force trauma, Shore said. The accident happened just one block from Gravley’s home. According to Shore, Gravley served in the SC National Guard in Afghanistan and was a Purple Heart recipient. The accident remains under investiagtion by the coroner’s office and the SC Highway Patrol. Pelzer EMS responded to the wreck shortly before 5:30 a.m.