21-year-old passenger fatally injured – Old Pelzer Rd.


The SC Highway Patrol is investigating an accident on Old Pelzer Road near Rhodes Road in Piedmont Tuesday evening in which Hayley Gunter, 21, of Pelzer, was fatally injured.

According to Greenville County Coroner Parks Evans, Gunter was a passenger in a vehicle in which the driver lost control, left the road and overturned in a field around 6 p.m. The car then caught on fire. Evans said Gunter was not wearing a seatbelt and was thrown from the car. She was transported to Greenville Memorial Hospital where she was pronounced dead, Evans said.

The SC Highway Patrol website is reporting  the incident as a hit and run with injuries at 1903 Old Pelzer Rd. and McMahan Mill Rd. in Piedmont in South Greenville County.

According to unconfirmed reports, witnesses stated that two vehicles were racing when the accident occurred.