For CDBG grant
The Town of Williamston will hold a public hearing on Thursday, Mar. 27 at 6 p.m. to receive public input on community needs and priorities for housing, public facilities and economic development.
During the hearing, the Town will conduct a needs assessment for activities which might be undertaken to meet identified needs, including the estimated amount proposed, to be used for activities which will benefit persons of low and moderate income. The Town will also present their Participation Plan.
Those requiring special services to attend the meeting are asked to call The Town of Williamston 48 hours in advance so that arrangements can be made. The number at Town Hall is 864-847-7473.
The public hearing and the matters to be discusses are subject to the provisions of the Town’s Citizen Participation Plan, developed in anticipation of participating in the State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program.
The Citizen Participation Plan is available for review at Town Hall, 12 West Main Stret, from 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday to Friday.
Persons with questions or comments concerning the public hearing or the Citizen Participation Plan may contact Chip Bentley at the Appalachian Council of Governments, PO Box 6668, Greenville, SC 29606, telephone number (864) 242-9733.