Town to apply for grant to address sewer overflow


Friday hearing

The Town of Williamston will hold a public hearing this Friday, Apr. 11 at 2 p.m., concerning a Community Development Block Grant application the town is submitting to address sewer line overflow problems.

The Town is requesting approximately $441,000 to upgrade 3,100 feet of sewer lines that are undersized and above ground in order to alleviate problems associated with overflows.

This public hearing and discussion are subject to the provisions of the Town of Williamston’s Citizen Participation Plan, developed in anticipation of participation in the State of South Carolina’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program.

The plan provides guidelines for the participation of citizens of in the planning and implementation of community and economic development projects which will involve CDBG funds.

The Citizen Participation Plan is available for review at Williamston Administrative Offices from 9 to 5Monday through Friday.

Persons with questions or comments concerning the public hearing or the Citizen Participation Plan may contact Dirk Reis at the Appalachian Council of Governments, PO Box 6668, Greenville, SC 29606 telephone number 864 242-9733.

Those requiring special services to attend the meeting are asked to call 48 hours in advance so that arrangements can be made.

The hearing will be held at the Williamston Municipal Center, 12 West Main Street.