By Stan Welch
During a brief meeting last Friday, Pelzer Town Council members heard an update on the annexation progress of seven pieces of property and plans to annex Town Hall, the Gym, and the mill properites which at present are not located in the physical limits of the town.
A number of residents and at least one church have already petitioned the town for annexation and there is growing interest among residents to be included in the town proper.
According to information presented at the meeting, as a result of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling last year which nullified certain aspects of the Department of Justice’s power to review proposed changes such as annexations under the Voting Rights Act, the DOJ no longer automatically reviews any proposed changes. The appropriate agencies are now informed of such changes, and if they make no objection, the changes take effect after a certain period of time.
Since passing the first ordinance of annexation and informing those agencies of the changes, the Town of Pelzer received notification from the US Dept. of Justice, SC Dept. of Public Safety, SC Secretary of State, and SCDOT that they have received the information and noted the changes. No objections were made. Local departments are being notified accordingly.
The following properties are now in Pelzer Town limits by Ordinance #2013-002;
5 Goodrich St – Annette Larsen
6 Goodrich St. – Stanley and Annette Larsen
3 Hale St.
Small parcel on Smythe St. owned by Roger Scott, Sr.
18 Front St. – Steven & Heather Holcombe
5 Reed St. – Pelzer First Baptist Church
29 Goodrich St. – Gilbert and Nancy Garrett
The Town of Pelzer plans to submit information to annex two of its own parcels located at 103 Courtney St. (Town Hall) and 112 Lebby St. (Pelzer Gym). Also, the Pelzer Heritage Commission has submitted a petition to annex all parcels of the mill property they have recently acquired. Town Council will vote on the ordinance at the May meeting.