Powdersville residents attend town hall meeting


By Stan Welch

Anderson County Council District Six representative Ken Waters continued his practice of holding periodic ‘town hall’ meetings in the Powdersvile area last week.

Approximately thirty people attended a meeting held last Tuesday, and once again, traffic was the topic du jour. Waters said that questions concerning several state roads came up but he explained that state roads and county roads are two different things.

There was some discussion about a proposal to extend Highway 153 all the way to Pickens County, but the prevailing sentiment appeared to be that the existing stretch of highway could get attention before extending it.

Waters also explained the increased sewer fees which the county has enacted. According to Waters, the fee increase is necessary because residents paid little or nothing for their access to the county system for a long time.

Earlier discontent about a proposed public housing project in the area has reportedly eased since the Council as a whole declined to provide a requested letter of support for the apartment buildings. Sources familiar with the project and the process tell The Journal that the state housing authority ranks such proposals and allocates funds accordingly. The proposed project came in well below the point where any state funds would still be available.