By Stan Welch
In one of the most active primary seasons in recent memory, numerous candidates, some with experience and others as green as the grass, have tossed their hats into the ring. Here are the candidates relevant to this area.
Governor Nikki Haley faces no primary challenge from, while Tom Sheen is unopposed in the Democratic primary. The Lieutenant Governor’s field is much more crowded, with Mike Campbell, former Governor Carroll Campbell’s son, running against Pat McKinney, Henry McMaster and Ray Moore in the Republican primary.
Republicans Brian Adams and incumbent Curtis Loftis are contesting for the state treasurer position.
The Superintendent of Education is by far the most crowded race of all, with four Democrats, Montrio Belton, Sr., Sheila Gallagher, Jerry Govan and Tom Thompson seeking the Democratic nomination; while the Republican field includes Sally Atwater, Gary Burgess, Meka Childs, Amy Cofield, Sheri Few, Don Jordan, Elizabeth Moffly, and Molly Spearman.
Adjutant General candidates are James Breazeale and Bob Livingston in the Republican primary.
Joe Farmer and Hugh Weathers will contest for the Republican nomination for Commissioner of Agriculture. The winner will be unopposed in November.
In the U.S. Senate races, Democrats Brad Hutto and Jay Stamper collide, while Republican hopefuls Det Bowers, Lee Bright, Richard Cash, Bill Connor, Benjamin Dunn and Nancy Mace take on incumbent Lindsey Graham.
Incumbent Tim Scott faces Randall Young in the primary, while three Democrats, Joyce Dickerson, Sidney Moore, and Harry Pavilack seek the Democratic nomination.
Incumbent State Senators Billy O’Dell and Kevin Bryant are unopposed; while incumbents Mike Gambrell, Anne Thayer, Brian White, and Josh Putnam face no challenge in the State House races,
In the District 8 race for the General Assembly, incumbent Don Bowen faces Jonathan Hill.
For Anderson County probate judge, incumbent Martha Newton faces magistrate Dan Sharp in a tight contest. In the Anderson County Council races, Gracie Floyd, Cindy Wilson and Gracie Floyd are unopposed, either in the primaries or the general elections. Francis Crowder faces John Benca in the primary, while Eddie Moore faces J. Mitchell Cole and Tom Allen faces Kurt Gibson. Tommy Dunn faces Denny Floyd in the primary.
Across the river in Greenville County, Piedmont Public Service Commission Chairman Ed Poore faces Lynn Ballard, Buddy Dyer and Todd Frederick for the District 26 County Council seat. All are Republicans.