Main Street Williamston Update


by Joan Ragsdale, Main Street Williamston Advisory Board Member

Our Main Street program continues to move forward as a proactive instrument in bringing the community together to “own” the revitalization efforts and work to build a strong community-driven program. The success of this program depends on a solid broad-base partnership from both the public and private sector. This is a community-driven program, so stay tuned and get involved!

Our All 4-Points, Organization, Design, Econ/Restructuring and Promotion Committees have developed a priority list for 2014. As things progress, you will begin to see things come together for the good of our town and the people who live and play here. Behind the scenes are dedicated people who are volunteering time, money and vision to bring this all together.

Here are some of the things each committee is working on:

Promotion Committee: (Chair – David Meade)

-Image Promotion (Main Street banners with new branding)

-Events Calendar (posting on Town and Main Street web pages/brochures)

-Play about Williamston’s History (in conjunction with Art Center – The Artory)


-Retail/Business Main St. Promotion

-Promote Williamston as a healthy community

Design Committee: (Chair – Debbie Chapman)

-Gateway Beautification Projects


-Beautification and Clean-up Program

-Banner Program

-Park Plan

-Public WiFi

Economic Restructuring Committee: (Chair – Jim Simpson)

-Create Master Plan for our town

-Main St. Williamston Survey

-Property Inventory

-Achievement Award Program (to recognize those willing to make an investment in beautifying our town)

Organization Committee: (Chair – Joan Ragsdale)

-Speakers Bureau (educate target audiences about the Main Street Program)

-Volunteer Development (we need volunteers who share the vision for our town)

-Volunteer Recruiter Table at events

-Funding Requests (Sponsorships for Main Street Williamston)

We will continue to provide updates and successes as we continue to work together and pay special attention to all of the areas that impact the quality of life and economic vitality of our community.

Please feel free to reach out to our Executive Director, Caroline Alex, or any of our committee chairs if you’d like to get involved or have questions. You can visit our website at for more information too. Thank you for your continued interest and support in Main Street Williamston.

Note: We now have “Historic Williamston” tee shirts that reflect our new branding. These will be sold for $10 each at all Party in the Park Events. There will be a limited number available at The Pink House Antiques, and we can take special orders for you there as well.